The program strengthens INCAS's role as a regional leader in the aerospace sector.

Its main purpose is to develop the AEROSPACE research infrastructure – Platform for Research, Simulation, Testing and Certification of Aerospace Vehicles, part of the ESFRI JSVFA proposal – Joint Simulation and Virtualization Facility in Aerospace, promoted by INCAS in the national road map.
The main objectives of this program are:
- Strengthening the position of regional leader of INCAS in the field of technologies related to the aerospace sector and capitalizing on the capabilities of collaboration with economic agents in Romania;
- Providing the international visibility of the results of the Romanian research in the aerospace industry;
- Sustainable development for the AEROSPACE infrastructure through specific investments of the latest generation in RDI infrastructures of European interest located in Romania;
- Training and development of highly specialized human resources for Industry 4.0 and the creation of new highly qualified jobs;
- Supporting technological innovation and capitalizing on the results of excellent research by ensuring the transfer of results to the scientific community and economic operators in the aerospace field.
Through the National and International Financing Sources Investment Program, INCAS completes its research and development capabilities in the field of aerospace technologies, which allows to increase the institutional performance in a sector particularly relevant for Romania. In addition to its direct contribution to increasing competitiveness, the program facilitates access to new projects, international visibility and brand value.