INCAS continues to strengthen its position as a regional leader in aerospace research, building on the constant modernization and development of the institute's capacity and capabilities.

INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli” is the leading research establishment in aerospace sciences in Romania, with a tradition of 75 years in aerospace engineering, flow physics and applied aerodynamics, using state-of-the-art technologies and a unique infrastructure of national strategic importance.
Having been involved in all major national aeronautical projects for civil and military areas, INCAS currently acts as a major player in EU policy making for Research and Development under the FlightPath 2050 vision and the Horizon Europe program.

Over 75 years
in aerospace research
years of
aerospace R&D
supersonic runs
National R&D
Institute status
Reorganized in December 2008 in accordance with GD 1463, INCAS became a research unit, acting in accordance with the public law as INCD – National Institute for Research and Development. This transformation recovers INCAS initial position as the successor of INCREST – The National Institute for Scientific and Technological Creation before 1990, followed by a period of 20 years of activity, holding the status of a private company of the Romanian state. The elaboration of the current development plan is based on the analysis of the global area of research and development and on the new challenges posed by the changing economic and social environments. INCAS is one of the main contributors to FlightPath 2050 and an active participant in the new ACARE – Advisory Council for Aviation Research and Innovation in Europe.
Moreover, the institute, in collaboration with EREA – Association of European Research Establishments in Aeronautics, has also developed “Vision for the future – Towards the next generation of the air transport system”, has initiated and signed, as an institutional member, the “European Charter of Researchers” and the “Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers”, and is one of the founding members of IFAR – International Forum for Aviation Research. This is a solid basis for substantiating and implementing the Strategy and Development Plans for INCAS over the next decade.