The Experimental Installations Program aims to improve know-how in the aerospace field.

The ultimate goal of these efforts is to support the development of new technologies to enable the development of new aircraft that will meet increasingly stringent conditions in terms of energy consumption, pollution (including noise) and safety.
This program is conceived around the most important INCAS installations – the Trisonic Wind Tunnel and the Subsonic Wind Tunnel, strategic facilities at national and European level.
Competitiveness of installations
- These infrastructures are under continuous modernization, through the integration of state-of-the-art equipment and sensors
- Internal development of machinery and tools
- Human resources development
- Development of software for various automation, acquisition and data processing
- Advanced tests for validation and calibration

Due to the flexibility and multidisciplinary approach, the program supports other sectors such as Energy (by conducting tests for wind turbines), Railway (by conducting tests for different train configurations), etc.