Immersive 3D virtual lab with haptic systems.

AERO-VR was developed at INCAS within POS CCE O 2.2.1 – 2013 – 2015 being able to interact with similar environments existing at the main research partners in the aerospace industry at EU and international level.
The AERO-VR structure comprises the following 4 categories of systems and equipment:
- iCube technical camera (surface of 20 m2 + 76 m2), with Display wall with 4 viewing screens (3 rear projection, 1 direct projection);
- HPC system – Integrated software architecture for high performance numerical simulation and computation (based on codes developed in INCAS and commercial codes);
- DATA Room – Dedicated, modular and scalable data center, able to provide and cover the hosting of HPC computer systems;
- 3D scanning system – industrial, high resolution based on optical technology.
AERO-VR is based exclusively on the introduction of state-of-the-art IT technologies and aims to develop and capitalize on exceptional exploratory capabilities, allowing the expansion of classic RDI activities with new dimensions offered by the generation of interactive immersive virtual reality.