This program supports the development of INCAS 'research capabilities and the expansion of the components of the CAART (Center for Airborne Atmospheric & Topographic Research) research infrastructure.

This program supports the development of INCAS’ research capabilities and the expansion of the components of the CAART (Center for Airborne Atmospheric & Topographic Research) research infrastructure.
The CAART program aims to improve national participation in European and international projects, but also to achieve a high level of competence in the field of research and innovation, including smart specialization of human resources.
CAART brings together two major components: the airborne one, which includes a series of platforms (with or without crew) fully equipped with specific instrumentation for advanced atmospheric research, and the ground – research base, located in Strejnicu, also used as a control center for air missions.
The program is focused on the following levels of action:
- Research – investments in research infrastructure, in order to expand and modernize the two existing components of the CAART research infrastructure to increase INCAS participation and involvement in pan-European research infrastructures.
- Innovation-education – investing in training and education skills in order to prepare the critical mass of research needed to operate the infrastructure developed to high standards.
- Scientific excellence in research approached at both European and international level.
Increasing the expertise of human resources as well as supporting the transfer of knowledge contributes to expanding the range of products and services provided to the market, local and regional authorities or decision makers.
Portfolio of services and activities:
- consultancy and support in the organization and execution of research / surveillance missions, etc.;
- access to INCAS exploratory platforms for research / surveillance missions, etc.;
- collection / processing of data sets of high accuracy and scientific relevance;
- development / supply of dedicated products resulting from the processing / analysis of the collected data sets;
- complex investigations and analysis of the atmospheric environment.